
Equalizer Lifting Wedge: Case Study - Precision Lifting of Tensioner

Equalizer Lifting Wedge: Case Study - Precision Lifting of Tensioner

The Problem:

Equalizer was faced with a case involving reconfiguring the height of a tensioner unit between mobilisations. A tensioner unit for an umbilical system on the deck of a vessel was required to be mobilised in 6 different configurations: 203mm riser recovery, 254mm riser recovery, 254mm static installation, 152mm static installation, 203mm riser installation, and 254mm riser installation. Various packers were proposed in order to adjust the height of the tensioner unit in order for it to align tangentially with the fixed gooseneck, with each pipe diameter requiring slightly different packer thicknesses. A system capable of jacking the full-frame and tensioner was preferred, as this could be lifted vertically (lifting only the tensioner would result in non-vertical lifting) however, the tensioner and frame together were estimated to weigh around 75Te. 

The Solution:

Equalizer’s precision lifting expertise was called on to help find a solution to a technical problem that they faced.

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